Rajan realizes that his only sickness was the hysterical whims of his mother. He chooses to break the walls of class, hatred, pride and prejudices that keep rich and poor far apart. Kamli too determines never to yield to the evil forces in sly Lakhoo, vagabond in the village. Lakhoo enrages Rajan's mother but Rajan defies and he saves Kamli from the designs of Lakhoo. Rajan takes Kamli to his care but destiny had designed differently. The evil forces were still shadowing Kamli. Lakhoo fans mother's vanity who was already feeling defeated at the hands of Rajan. Mother breaks into a violent storm but this time over Rajan's sister Rekha.
Rekha refuses to yield to mother's grip and in spite of the fact that she was going to be a mother herself, she leaves for her beloved husband. And she meets with an accident.
On her death bed Rekha entrust the Baby to her only friend Kamli. With a promise not to disclose anything about the Baby till the father returns, Rajan discovers the child with Kamli. He accuses her to the whole world for having a baby in her lap.
BUT DO THE LIPS OF KAMII OPEN? If not then what?