Shagufa is an Action-Adventure-Thriller Emotional-Romantic Family Drama Film exceptionally crafted by Harnam Singh Rawail. The Story revolves around the life of a Kind-Hearted and brave man living with his family in a town ruled by an Evil Kingpin. He falls in love with a sweet girl and wanted to marry her- but the kingpin plots an evil plan against him- because he too loves her and wants a beautiful girl to charm him- but his plan gets exposed and he revolted against him, leading to consequences.
Release Year :1953


Khumar, Shakeel Badayuni, Tanvir Naqvi
Directed By
Harnam Singh Rawail
Story By
Ramanand Sagar


bina rai
bipin gupta
kumari naaz
premnath malhotra
Rajendranath Malhotra
yashodhara katju


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