The show's storyline revolves around the life of Narad’s impish escapades across the universe and his pleasant but tinged with humor relationship with Lord Vishnu. He is the one who often creates confusion between Gods and, thus creating laugh riot situations. Lord Vishnu plays mentor to Narad. They are central characters of the show as Narad played by actor Mantra, who is quite subtle in his role, while his mentor Vishnu’s character played by Ujjawal Rana.
The show with the mythological background also depicts 'The Hindu Trinity', also known as Tridevs comprising of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. Brahma played by Raja Kapse while Shiva by Vaibhav Saraswat. Deepali Saini essays Goddess Lakshmi’s role, who is a spouse of Brahma whereas Parvati as Shiva’s consort played by Jiya Chauhan.
Moreover, the auxiliary mythological characters, popularly known as Devas, like Indra, played by Shivkant Lakhanpal and Agni Dev portrayed by Surya Sev Malik. The show is an amalgamation of established mythological characters with contemporary comedy. It offers audiences, comedy content around widely known mythological figures, thus making it unique as well as entertaining. The mentor-devotee relationship with light-hearted humor and spiritual devotion as well moral teaching, all summarized together at the end of every episode, make this show stand apart from other comedy shows.
Audience Reaction:
The show did very well on the channel, but did face some flak from the audiences for showing the mythological characters in a light-hearted manner.