It was handsome Aslam, the scion of a Nawab family, who discovered her truth and found himself drowning in the depths of her love.
She herself was a great admirer of an unnamed poetry without knowing that Aslam himself was the real poet.
After testing her loyalty and fidelity by meeting her in different disguises, Aslam ultimately revealed himself to her in a dramatic sequence; and after that it was a hurricane of love that swept them off their feet and they became totally oblivious to the world around them.
On the other hand, the deprived social status and Aslam’s royal dynasty built unsurmountable walls for the two lovers.
When all these powers could not separate Salma, the world demanded the supreme sacrifice of her love – as the price of her lover’s life.
But when two lovers forget the fear of life and death, and decide to walk on the path of pure love, then perhaps even death cannot separate them